the barry velte editor was sending the tight to his newspaper one day and i think early 1862 in the first minnesota and they decided not to undo his work the would print the other three the success with one page of sort of local news and three pages of minnesota and other places they travel with portable printing presses and these newspapers are almost exclusively enlisted ideas and wiltz and work the right for themselves, they circulated among themselves and those are not censored either and they are not censored officially. they are also not in the sense that if you are writing a letter to your mom you given little on some things. i wouldn't want to know my son had a decent meal in two weeks in his socks had holes. in your writing for other soldiers they know all that stuff so there is no need to soften the edges a little bit so those are especially on censored because of the intended audience so they are the almost sort of rall voice of the soldiers and it's hard to imagine anything like that today. it's not like the strikes in world war ii which goes through the censorship process. no