so someone like barry weiss, you know, she left the new york times, the new york times for that. she was at the wall street journal. does he get more mainstream in that? and now she has her own media company. okay, good. that's a that's a good thing, i think for knowledge pursuit of truthful knowledge, it's a commitment to objective without politics and religion and ideology. decontaminated. yeah, very wise. and jordan peterson faced quite a backlash for. their process. yes, indeed they have yeah. i wrote i have a chapter in the book, as you know. and jordan i like jordan. i think he is, for the most part doing good wants to help. you know, i don't agree with all his mythological symbolism stuff, but maybe that's just me. and in case a lot of people seem to find a lot of value in what, he has to say and if that's the case and it makes their lives better, good what's wrong with that? you know, nothing. nothing's wrong with that. and i guess where he gets in trouble, we're all of us getting troubles on sensitive issues like race and gender. so my latest substack column is on is cal