giants would not be here without the contribution of this left-hander, no. 75, newberry zito zito -- barry zito. [applause] >> this next guy is now -- and the jersey he wore is in the hall of fame. the jersey from game 5. he beat clint least twice, tim lincecum. [applause] [applause] >> and last but not least, who is ever going to forget the moment from game 5 in texas, one of many great moments in his playoff career, the giants' shortstop, groceries post a valuable player, -- world series most viable player edgar re nteria. [applause] >> now we want you to please welcome a musical guest to perform "san francisco" for us. thank you. ♪ my home on upon the hill i still love you still pipin away but now i am backe to tell you ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [applause] >> now once again, please welcome the great mayor of the great city of san francisco, the honorable gavin newsom. >> how are you all doing? the torture is over. world champ giants. it is good we brought the terminator here because it reminds us what we did to atlanta, but we did dto philly, and it reminds us what we did to texas. don't mess with california.