barsenko's relative, their wives, cousins .erhaps, due to these circumstances, only by the time the criminal case was initiated against him, he only had land with a cadastral value of 1.2 billion rubles. we met with ivan sedko, who was once the deputy chairman of the collective farm, in the building of the russian fsb office for the rostov region. about those as they say, he is a strong business executive. it was sitko who began to reclaim the landfill along the highway, where a vegetable market later appeared. we had to survive, we went to liberate the territory, where it was possible to at least somehow get something for me, someone else had their own vegetable gardens there, subsidiary plots, but where to sell, nowhere to sell, here we are, some with cars, some with motorcycles, a place of sale, just a place of sale, a place of sale, yes, but the place of sale turned out to be, she was abandoned by this land, which is itself. it started then it was all done, let’s get 2 hectares, also folded, we started doing it everything,