considers whether to give fast track trade authority we heard from michael froman and charlene barshefsky. this is a half hour. >> so thank you. we have a lot of trade negotiators up hear on stage. this is good. we should all get some action and have a negotiation session. you know, the best strategies for that. mr. froman, this has been quite a remarkable day just in sort of the evolution of this -- the latest trade pact. let's assume for the moment so we don't get into the politics of this since we've been discussing it a fair amount so far today, that tpa, the trans-pacific partnership gets to a vote. what does this trade deal hold in store for these companies in the room? what's an opportunity for them and what also might be new competition that that -- they have to be concerned about that might result from the trade deal? >> well, we start from the premise that our market is also an open market. we have an average applied tariff in the u.s. of 1.4%. 70% of all of our imports come in duty free. actually, 80% come in duty free from the tpp region. and we don't use regulation as a disgu