great job and the effort was truly bipartisan so if you don't like the food you can't blame it on one barths of how you reveal yourself, how you reveal your will and your desire to us. yet, at this moment, our nation joins with us in prayer and supplication that despite political differences within these chambers and despite the fact that at times we may take for granted things that are unique to our american democracy, that we be united in hope and aspiration for the future of our nation. we pray for continued freedom, freedom to pursue happiness, freedom to create goodness, freedom to preserve the common good. we pray for continued liberty, liberty to preserve our right, liberty to defend our understanding of good, liberty to develop ourselves fully as you would have us. our nation prays with us as we ask that our leaders be endowed with wisdom that they may know on which path they should move our nation, with courage that they may go against their own when necessary for the common good of our beloved america, with resolve that they not tire but move unrelenting towards that common good.