for our final afternoon talk barton myers. barton is an associate professor of history at washington and lee university where he teaches courses on the american civil war, war and society, the u.s. south and public history. his main research emphasis is on a regular warfare, soldiers in atrocities, and political dissent. he has earned his phd at the university of georgia where he studied under john ensco. he published his master's thesis, which is unheard of, entitled "executing daniel bright: grace, loyalty and guerrilla violence and coastal carolina." in receipt the 2009 jewels and francis landry award for the best book in seven studies. university published his dissertation, a book entitled "rebel against the confederacy, north carolina's unionist." he is the next rotondaro aware fair. he has an edited warfare with brian mcknight and daniel sutherland entitled "the guerrilla hunters: irregular conflicts during the civil war." 2017, you are not going to speak on guerrilla warfare. after all this, he does more than that and i