materials , at the same time, the issue of saving energy and preserving the energy of soursoureh, barun bazen, khasim , in cold regions , we are moving towards the use of games in education and furniture rooms. three years ago in elementary schools , the game of making ten was started. with the implementation of this plan, it will be activated again. on education to the device of previous years this was apparently free and because of the benefits that exist in the credits for education and will face problems do you have a solution that we thought in the approved budget of 1400 25% we started looking for that 100% of this it is a free wind essay for you. this group was completely removed and now we have to pay with you for 402 of these. it is supposed that the government should help us in this matter. we can do it. the term should not create disharmony. we are playing in the seventh program that of the rulings that we proposed and i hope it will be approved in the parliament after that in the meantime, they stand by us, their condition, their lives, and in short , they put everything they have