have thousands of options and products to choose from, from all budgets from apparel to jewelry, barware and gifts. it is a one stop shop, order by delivery. everything is made to order. that's a great choice. >> do you mean that you are putting people's names on things? that's so neat. >> you can personalize it with photos, names, there are so many options with them. so many. >> i want to cover this last two products. these are exciting. i'm tech obsessed. paper. i love the bamboo slate. this is a smart pad, you can write with it on pen on paper and with a simple touch of a button, you can convert all of your stretches and notes to the cloud and digitize them to the mobile devices that are powered by blue tooth. this is 149. and how cool is >> i'm -- it combines the best of both worlds. >> it is high tech doodling. >> it is so fun. >> that's exactly right. >> and then the last product. these are the audio products of the future. these are sky buds. they are wireless ear buds. they offer 4 hours of battery they are even sweat proof. you can wear them at the gym, wherever you want. a real