run, us squeezed, three-legged beech, heavy, i know that help is needed, i know, get along, shake baryad the pass, we need to move, use the moment, comrade colonel, couple, couple , let him go. we are waiting for the mortars to finish them off. car, car, fire on the car, come on, hold on, fire! jump, come on, come on, elyuka, jump when there’s panic. see you soon, see you soon, how many people do we have? “shatai accepted, shatai, i’m leaving, the wok is covering, accepted, go to krimtsekh, this is serku, thank you, a real serb, guys, i ’ll help the serb, we’re working until the last minute . kill him, fire, fire, forgive me, brother. here, i’m shaking , i'm empty , motherfucker, it's not broken, we're working. hold on, i 'm hooked, there's a fly, i'm ready to shoot, great, ready, okay, i'll be there soon, hide here, you got me. get ready to leave, let's go, let's go! empty, catch, ready, come on, empty, well, commander, he’s about to die, huh? ready, give me your hand, injection, in the car, injection, in the car, come on! let's go, i could. in general, there are four in total, empty.