and then west of first-rate barzun's two and one. -- of fremont street are zones 2 and 1. all of those teams have gone into the shoring wall. the blue ridge, which is still in the image on the right has now been demobilized and moved off the project site. this area in zone 3, the contractor is now set up, prefabricating the steel structure of the bridge that is going to go in on first street. zones 1 and 2, use the that angle corner bracing and the beginnings of the trestle system coming in from howard street and then coming down to the access of the station. that is going to be topped with 12 by 12 would and timbers, which will be working platform for the cranes that will be operating on top of that system. and here, you see in zone 1, the contractor is actually now moving down below the first level of bracing to continue excavation and has progressed that to the point where they are starting to install some of the whalers, which are the horizontal steel beams that get well that the -- get well that directed -- directly to the shoring wall of steel. >> those are temporary