bashir tajik is performing final checks at the maintenance step of hamburg spawn inner city rail system he's almost there the 30 year old came here with his wife from afghanistan and 2015 now he's just about to finish up his apprenticeship as an electronic technician. for me personally it was difficult because german is not my native language. it's been a long time since i was in the school room. so i had to start learning from the beginning again after 10 years. lenin on. before the migrants start their training they take introduction classes to get them ready some 400 young people have done the courses already at the german railway. these courses they get the necessary grounding in subjects like german math english and physics. the young men here come from syria afghanistan iran and iraq for them their goal is to get a technical education at the homburg esp on. an apprenticeship in germany means taking teary classes in a technical college then practical work on the job it's a challenge for instructor bent look. many students have come straight from war zones and their school days are