basically, there is room for basicaliy, there is room for the independent film—making.and that did win for adrien brody for best picture. hollywood has become more than big franchises, these independent become more than big franc that, these independent become more than big franc that struggle idependent become more than big franc that struggle to “pendent audiences and given a lot of love awards. i think love from the awards. i think we have a split in film~making we have a split in film~making we have a split in film~making we have your big disney or you have your u—7_ ’ "”"”'7ii{e'ya're ' " rrtheyarejust 77 ”bysmallerijfi 77 ”bysmallerfilm” ==- = -=: their way through to work their way through to awards. sometimes, critical acclaim and _ awards. sometimes, critical acclaim and results - awards. sometimes, critical acclaim and results i the l acclaim and results at the box office be quite suppose. v suppose. global 7 suppose. global box 7 suppose. global box office have been appearing figures have been appearing to in decline. what do you make the j the film industry r