interested in everything, yes, yes, you came to me, 2 years ago i got a dog named levy, and the breed is basingji hunter by nature, and when i was choosing, i decided that i definitely needed a dog with whom i wanted to run, i couldn’t even think that he would help me in the training process, since he runs ahead of me , he drags, thereby helping me maintain high speed with a low heart rate, and this is the development of technique and the development of my speed endurance, and it’s psychologically easier for me, unfortunately, on the lazir... they don’t let him in, if they let him in, we would beat everyone 100%, handsome, well done, smart , hazlatik, the best coach, sparring partner, yes, as i call him, the best coach , sparring partner, who trains me and improves my results. having already been to many countries, i have never seen such a place with such a huge grove, with ponds, as if you were somewhere beyond city, there is still this atmosphere, spirit, place left. which was still preserved from the very, very beginning. in the 19th century , count paskevich acquired from count rumyantsegosad