basque is for the festival in 1989. host around 5,000basqu posters. sports are another culture.t of basque most is related to working on so our -- what are called strong support and strong-related, strength-related sports. that are others -- ted to it and there's some s what -- we have items in our collection that are elated to -- to those sports, well knownsports was n the u.s. because a lot of u.s. were built inside , one of the types of became a sport for of casinos was part around the country, including here in reno. punta.e is testa the kind that was played here in the casinos for betting. even dangerous because the pilotas were traveling at 180 miles per hour. unta is one of the fastest sports in the world. they had these helmets and the like to be secure. the center is important because it is the main research facility about basque, about the history all around the world. from theed people americas, from asia that are interested in learning about basque. such the library provides a report for doing that research with our photograph collection, a