don't know these, i know what it's like trying to argue for more money with a government fits bass pro graeme's, let alone important as your physics research. but do they sometimes say, you know what, why don't you get your own house in order and solve some of these basic problems like when the protons decay, new chilean is also laid out as a sun generate reversing magnetic field feel what he is. so what that i have asked here, rather than spend money going up there, let alone the space was. all i can say is no, there's no one panacea that solves all problems in any given moment. but there are pockets of research where you have ambitious people who are creative and smart and they want to learn how the sun generates its energy and how, you know how to get to pluto and in so doing, they invent stuff. my physics professor from college was one of the co discovers of a new physics phenomena called nuclear magnetic resonance ok. got the nobel prize for that. well, the clever medical technician said, oh my gosh, that's phenomenon. i can make a cavity, put your body in it, and i can distinguish differe