platforms such as bassalam, the internal voice of bassalam, are being formed. because of these small and home-based businesses that we have created and connect them to the consumer market, we came to define sasalam . that's why there is a large flow it covers and creates suitable work and infrastructure . according to the explanations given by the crowd that day, in which areas are these job creation plans more defined and which areas are ahead of other options now, barkat foundation is active in the area of job creation in all parts of the country, especially in the less fortunate areas through the imaging network. we have almost all designs that those who own in knowledge-based fields in employment plans for home use on small and very excellent workshops and fields do not understand which field is ahead, the mother of community -oriented employment or the enterprise of knowledge-based application in the food industry, handicrafts, hersin is broken. ok, and support them, thank you very much for being in this relationship with us . i mentioned the fields year