bassem youssef. yes?! they laugh that's a great start. yes, it's very hard — hardtalk. great pleasure to welcome you to this show — hardtalk. i'm very, very pleased to be here. thank you so much for having me. i want to beginjust reflecting on the move you made from homeland, egypt, to the united states. about ten years ago, just less, you became a migrant. but i'm just wondering about one particular aspect of the move — your sense of humour. how easy is it for humour to cross borders? very difficult, very difficult. because it's notjust about the words, it's about the music and the rhythm and the cadence. when i started doing stand—up comedy here, i sucked. i was so bad. because it's not aboutjust writing the jokes, it's about finding the same wavelength and the cadence and the rhythm that people receive, they're used to receiving. so, when i went out in comedy clubs, i'm talking to people who are americans. they have different... it's different, so it's not about... you have to be fluent, you have to be quick and also, you have to match that cadence that people are ex