c se bast ya.ghs] >> then this i morning, from ourocal ktla news, atherm was running down the mperaturesot an unexpect >> thewill be hard press to get y sunshine.all the w toughh afrnoon it will be 60s. you c see right there io 84 la >> jimmy: coming out of ere. game five the nbaals fin is happing in miami right now we shoot thi show. the he are up 3 ges tone o on the unde baerd.ofisong skgly loof fans been emula it, we st out a cama and asked .ele if we could harden them >> what's yoame and where are you om. >> billy fmcaliforn. >>an we harden y ? >> what? >> u? >> whasour name andhere war you from >>'m fromew york city? >> can we harde yn up>> solutel. [laughs]. >> go thunder. what do you mean harden me up? [laughs]. >> you're hardened up? >> yeah. i think so. >> can we harden you up? >> sure. >> youe hardened up. >> yes, go okc. >> can w hardenou up? aughs]. >> can we harden you up? >> sure. >> can we harden you up? [laughs]. y. >> thank you. that's great. i appreciate at. applause]. >> jimmytha