contestants of the 2003 abc show "all-american girl" alleges that lythgoe engaged in sexual harassment, batlym that lythgoe, one of the show's executive producers, made sexual advances toward both of them, including pinning one of the women against a grand piano in the house, pushed himself against her body, and forced his mouth and tongue onto her. according to the filing, the contestants did not consent to the contact on any occasion. these lawsuits are the latest in a series of high-profile cases in california that are part of the sexual abuse and cover-unaccount ability account. >> the sexual abuse and cover-unaccount ability act gave adult survivors of sexual abuse this look-back window to say, even though the statute of limitations might have expired for those allegations you suffered, we will allow you to reopen and accuse your abusers of sexual assault during this period. >> reporter: several filings involving celebrities came to light, including a claim against jackson 5 member jermaine jackson and motley crue's tommy lee. neither of this commented publicly on the'ses. what do you th