and by the way, this is not entirely true , there is also a comic poem by batra homio mafia, which is also often attributed to a blind man of genius. actually, a tricky greek word exhaustive describes the content of the text. it tells about the conflict between the two peoples, which arose god the whole why and it is impossible to stop it, although everyone understands it hopelessness and it would have lasted forever, if not for the happy intervention of the gods, the alleged work of homer can be considered the first anti-war satire completely riddle description of many thousand years ago, events at the front have already completely gone out of control, military leaders and politicians, and obey their own logic , they called two months of ukrainian counter-offensive, but the movement of the line. the battle of the collision, as it was not and is not. it can't be good that today there is a need for vykanty there, lousy everything to lay some average on that repairs the front lines, but the front, as such, is one many hundred-kilometer deadline, that is, the line of death. the loss of s