battersea technology. exit seats, fireproofing. a stream fireproofing.f course we read about the heroes who actually carried people off of this plane. when it comes to this kind of events, these massive jumbo airliners really survive better than smaller planes. we saw the alaska flight crash that killed ten people tragically this weekend. what is the difference? >> well, a lot of the difference is the strength of the structure you know, obviously triple seven is a lot stronger than a piper for small aircraft. so, you know, it is not always the case. sometimes small aircraft and find a place to land with a big one couldot. as a general rule the resistance to damage of the big airplane is going to be better. gerri: this pilot who is being questioned presumably with their relative to be to flying. his first landing, this was the result of that. is this pilot error? is this not enough training? what is the problem? >> i think that there is clearly a training issue here. he is being supervised by the other pilot. that pilots should have been right on top of w