heard about earlier in the show privatisation of kings cross railway station to headquarters battersea power station is it too late when you advise the shadow chancellor is it too late to untangle little now i think we need a reversal of the privatisation of our cities and towns boris johnson when he was campaigning to become mayor of london said it terrible that the corporatization of london has gone to par. be reversed and then when he became mayor he charged off to the far east all expenses paid and look good malaysian property companies chinese indonesian and promised them buy up parts of london so we now have them a lazier square we have a singapore on thames and we've privatized large parts of our squares of roads and so on and it's not just in london it's in large parts of the country we call them pops privately owned public spaces this is an aspect of the loss of our social commons and it goes on all the way through our social i mean it is we've had the privatisation of our national health service by stealth by the fact that increasingly they've contracted out to private. corporations large