coming up on "money," lance's latest title, launching a $100 million battlegainst lance armstrong foring unjustly enriched. we have a couple of experts to weigh in on the cause. at the end of the day, it is l about "money." ♪ ♪ adam: lance armstrong is back in the hot seat today, the disgraced lawsuit imac cyclist hit with another lawsuit, this time from the u.s. justice department joining the whistleblower lawsuit filed by armstrong's former teammate floyd landis. saying he defrauded his sponsor, u.s. postal service, and they want triple what armstrong was paid by the u.s. postal service, as we said all comes down to money. clearly there's a lot at stake. with me now, sports attorney and fox sports radio host from here in las vegas, are you not? >> i am. adam: is the government right to go after armstrong? he lied and made a lot of money, should he give them back? >> i totally think lance armstrong is going to go broke by the end of tis. he knowingly took performance-enhancing drugs, cheated his partners, his advertisers, but this is not water under the bridge. all of a sudden the un