that's what happened to the trump's hotel in batumi. it appears to be a scam. it appears to be a way to embezzle money out of a bank, embezzle money out of the biggest bank in kazakhstan and in 2012, trump got paid a million dollars to help go over there and make it looked real. >> there is three stories of kazakhstan. of all tr counthe country in th of random place. all different kinds of associations with the president of the united states. they do keep coming up. when the fusion transcript was released, the kazakhstan stuff was my favorite part. well, there is some contenders. page 293 in the transcript, quote, "question, what if any research did you conduct that gave you any concerns of then candidate trump and any illicit activities?" . answer, his relationship of organized crime figures, that was a concern. there were various allegations of fraudulent business practices or dishonest practices or connections of crime practices. there was long history of people accused of criminal activities. in the early, the first weekend that i started boning up on donal