it's already a provocation that batya is wearing a sleeveless summer dress. but she wants to make a statement -- she's made the difficult leap into a new life. >> as you can see, people here around, they seem like living here, but actually they're in a different bubble, and to walk out of this bubble is, like, to start over everything -- from your language -- they don't use the same words -- dress codes, the way you live, what you do in the morning, what you eat, the way you eat it. >> batya has found support for her new life from the hillel association in jerusalem. they help young adults who want to leave the ultra-orthodox community. about 100 people a year take the leap. the organization offers advice and psychological counseling, and helps their clients find housing, jobs, internships, and university placements. most of their young clients are starting over from zero. they have no contact to their family, and often feel lonely. that's also why social workers like bat chen, who also counsels batya, try to serve as a surrogate family. >> this is the kitche