first batya ungar-sargon is the deputy editor of "newsweek." before that she was the opinion editor of the largest jewish media outlet in merrick and she has written extensively for places like the "new york times," "washington post", four policy to name a few. she also holdso a phd from the university of california at berkeley and win her book comes out and about a week go get it. fantastic. we are also joined by virginia hefferman who is currently a contributor at wired. she is the author of magic and loss, the internet as art. she's been around the tech world for years. i look forward to finding more about tech. amazing times and so much still to be written about that. before joining the staff of wired she worked for the near times and is currently an op-ed columnist for the "l.a.a. times" she also, like batya, has a phd from harvard. she likes to say that she stumbled onto the internet in 1979 when it was in a back office thing, now it is pervasive and i c can't wait to hear hers. views on this. and finally thomas chatterton williams is als