yes, i'm sure he's probably been over at the range trying to hit some baullls, but that's a long time to wait before you play another shot. >> let's listen in as they determine the hitting order out there among the four. >> good luck to you. >> best of luck. >> best of luck. >> david cole with transitions optical, our host this week, is going to help us out here with the draw. we're going to play 18, 16, 17 and 18 in a playoff, gentlemen. robert, you finished first, you'll draw first, luke, you'll draw second, sang-moon bae, you'll draw third and jim will draw fourth. >> number two. >> one. >> three. >> okay. >> sang-moon, you'll lead us off. gentlemen, play well. >> so you heard mike russell say to sang-moon bae, the lone member of this foursome who has yet to win on the pga tour. again, just a rookie, leads it off at this difficult 18th again. he was positioned perfectly in regulation in the fairway. >> he was. he hit a ma'mmoth drive up the hill. then i thought he maybe tried to get a little too cute or tried to do something he didn't need to do. tried to play a three-quarter looki