bavarians feel themselves to be different from the rest of germany. the seven states that went into making up modern germany did not come in willingly. pressure was the dominant one. it was the dominant political and economic force. they felt they had little choice but to join in. 1871.y was formed in those states did not come in willingly, but they felt they had no alternative. there was talk among the allies of reducing germany to its component states after 1918. the french thought this would be a good idea. lloyd george, the british prime minister, and i think woodrow wilson agreed with them, said we had -- german nationalism caused turmoil in europe before germany became united. if we divide germany up, we will see the same thing happening again. bavariangh you got a -- separate feeling, there was a strong german nationalism. i do not think bavarian separatism was that much of a force. the bavarians feel themselves to be different, but that is not the same as wanting to be independent again. german nationalism was a powerful force which affected all parts of germa