emily chang got reactions from former head to bavaro. spoke with emily through skype from beijing. hugo: i think the technology community is enthusiastic about this. very enthusiastic. i think what larry is building is the most amazing business platform that has ever existed. given its potential to invest and especially given their ambition. there is no one in the world today, or maybe there's a handful of people in the world today who are as ambitious as larry. very excited about this. emily: he should be running google so he can focus on the future of humanity. take me as i the minds of larry page answered a brand. why are they doing this? for: they're doing it reasons they've stated from the very beginning. they are here to build a technology company that can change people's lives. i think they are best at that. but they are better at that than a running day-to-day operations of any business simply because them in particularly larry, there are very few people like them in the world. is a producte who guy, one of the best technology ex