our final new member is john, the bawsca representative and the senior analyst for them. everyone else on this committee has been there since the beginning. as such, we are turned out at the end of the year. so these new members are the faces you will be seeing in the future. just as a reminder, the key charge is that we are to make sure you are spending your funds legally and to make sure the bond proceeds -- be primarily due this through our independent reviews which are financed by a small percentage of the bond proceeds. we currently have about $1.2 million in the bank to do this. that seems like a lot of money, but just like your work, on the trajectory that is done, we have done a lot of prep work, but now we are going to have to really follow a dynamic path in a construction program. just as a reminder, we have done three previous independent reviews. the first one in 2006 when we were just doing your commercial paper program. this was followed by a report in 2006 which builds upon that and included the wider range of projects and the noted the changes from the 200