the elders decided to have baxter's sermon printed as a tract. okay. a wealthy member of the congregation paid for 60,000 copies to be printed and distributed. the contributor had been, was also a financial supporter to baxter's national television show founded by james walter nichols who had been contact by nixon's outreach man, armstrong, when armstrong began organizing conservative protestants on behalf of the nixon campaign. evans received a great bit of mail castigating him for this rebuttal of baxter. another sign, though, of how closely and seriously the kennedy campaign monitored anti-catholicism in key states, robert kennedy wrote to joe evans. now actually jack and joe, jack kennedy and joe evans had entered the house of representatives in the same class in the late '40s, so they had known each other. bobby wrote, i read about your recent action in speak ising out so forthrightly on the religious question. i would like you to know that i very much appreciate what you did, and i am sure that senator kennedy does too. so here we, it's an amazin