bayan ali has had to fight with her family for her parents work abroad and she lives with her grandfather. when she wanted to go to the united arab emirates for a thai-boxing competition, he said no. without his permission, she could not go. zein el abdin serag el din: i was against it because it is incompatible with ththe traditions of our cocountry. and this is all new for us. she is so small. >> in the end, he relented, bayan ali went and won bronze. now her grandfather is very proud of her. aliaa ali youssef gamil and her three daughters enjoy their new-won freedoms. riding b bike and d wearg trououse -- thatat all new for women here. they weren't allowed to exercise out of doors until recently. alia ali: they love to ride their bikes and go roller skating. other girls say it's too dangerous. but mine like it. this generation is becoming more courageous. maybe my girls get it from me. >> an issue close to the heart of women's-rights campaigners is female genital mutilation. they're pleased that it has now been outlawed. most wom