unless it is superseded by another bayrou order. -- bureau order. >> an order could supplant it. that is not happening as long as i am chief. commissioner chan: we started this conversation, we had a joint hearing with the human rights commission 1 commissioner -- when commissioner terman was on. my concern is we have two responsibilities, officer discipline and policy-making. this mou was signed without our review and for some people, i was not hear the time, we'r were not aware of it. there were terms in the mou that did not give deference to our dgo. we need to close a look, we want to do. we had a long joint hearing about this and we have not yet taken action as a commissioner. i appreciate the chief had issued a bureau order but we need to decide what we're going to do, are we going to turn the order into a dgo, or are we going to just allow the board of supervisors to do what they can also do, which is issue policy and what makes the morse -- most sense for this commission? it is an outstanding question. >> thank you. >> i do agree with you. we should take the bureau order