will also be participating in the power of community engagement, the blue-ribbon event at the bayview ywca. we also will be participating in many of the station community meetings and i will report on those as we participate in them. we do not have any cases in closed session this evening. in the audience joining me this evening, in case there issues throughout the evening were d.p.a. can be helpful and answer questions, is my chief of staff and my senior investigator and our operations manager. also my policy director. >> thank you. >> just one follow-up question. so you have reviewed all potentially disclose a bowl sexual assault cases in d.p.a.'s whole history? >> yes. >> impressive. how many were disclosed? >> if i may, let's just -- >> go to the source. [laughter]. >> good evening, commissioners. this is much ado about nothing. i am unclear. i know that it was not a high number, but i want to confirm before report back to the commissions with specificity so that exact number will be included in the next commission agenda. >> i appreciate it. thank you. >> thank you. >> that's it. than