if bdo could, please, stand and be recognized. [applause] all right. the broadmoor remitted by hover -- represented by lori meacham. lori, if you could -- [applause] and ceo update whose editor-in-chief is recovering from a bad case of the flu, so she is not here. bdo is the leader in accounting and consultancy services for associations, the broadmoor is the number one resort property for associations looking for a five-star meeting experience. i've got great memories, i remember my first experience bringing my 4-year-old daughter and 1-year-old son and feeding the ducks on their lake, and when i go back there, lori, i still like to feed the ducks. [laughter] leading authorities is very proud of the roster of speakers that we represent, and as you know, we focus on politics, business, the media and popular culture. we're also very proud of the work that we do in helping associations design and produce their events, including the practice we have in video production. as many of you know, we have a complete production studio with a group of creative peop