should it be an l.l.c. or a nonprofit, what's the size and composition of the board? how are the board members appointed? and this is something that sort of the advocacy like friends of public banking of oakland have done a lot of thinking with this. so we want to make sure we're working with the advocacy community to make sure there's adequate community input into sort of whatever structure gets created. and then of course tax status, another big question that we've had some folks on our task force who are lawyers looking into. just to give you a sense of the analytical plan, we are midway of our task force meetings. we just finished meeting three of six. unfortunately that does not mean we're midway through the work. we're just getting started, but we're now getting into the meat of things, which is really fun? but we'll be working in collaboration with our consultant and the task force to look at pure banks, so look at sort of loan output, balance sheets, income states. then from peer banks and subject matter experts, if we want people want to do loans, is it acces