with beach shelley, the will probably be an appeal that will come to the board. we would have to dispense with that before the department could do anything with the funds, right? >> that is right. the department will be bound and advised. i am sure many people there simply cannot take any steps without ceqa being complete. supervisor chu: thank you. supervisor avalos: just a question about, are there any part of these funds that would go towards any design work or planning work? if we make this appropriation today, the rec and park department will be using a portion for some of the pre- construction work, correct? >> again, there is some uncertainty around that. yes, that is a push into use of these funds. we're definitely using the funds are not to fund the environmental review work itself. as i mentioned, we are currently in discussion with our philanthropic partners to determine the split in design and construction funds, split between city funds and philanthropic funds. i do not know that precise split at this time. but those funds would ordinarily absolutely