pam and beagle myers gilded wooden sculpture evolved from the idea of folding a blank sheet of paper. and folding the paper he created across. god's isn't people have been making crosses for more than two thousand years so it's very difficult to come up with a new version of a new perspective a new way of depicting the cross. pastor knows where to find it. has little interest in art as an an with flecked of active piety he's more interested in the conflict between art and faith. the mission of the suv in both of us i always like to try something new the reason i like this piece of wood is that it gives me a structure. a subject of a cross isn't limited to the material it scatters visually it radiates insists on the op dish get this done saw that's the idea is that it's always a lot however i only know if it works after i've done it i first have to try it or . recent do it just minutes before top was abolished libyan. cologne cathedral. in one of the side chapels a sculpture produced in the year nine hundred seventy. this is the carol cross the oldest extant crucifix that no longer sho