the expressions rather through words, grimaces or tears are viewed as the emotional and thed beanie sigel trusted to be taken seriously. in 2002 an article at northwestern university describes how acutely aware her fellow healthcare provider interpreted as a sign of emotional issues rather than physical pain and how to use every resource they could muster to not cry before referring them to other doctors at the goal is to better demonstrate the severity of the pain and the obvious risks to a strategy to downplaying it. women with chronic pain report being anti-hysterical to the point of being dishonest about how much pain they are in. as authors of a study of doctor-patient introductions and chronic pain management no female patients must strike between their pain experiences accurately without inadvertently undermining their authenticity by being perceived according to the negative gender stereotype. in the case illustrated while the response may be expected in may and it's not expected in women. a woman raping her pain is a ten but isn't falling to pieces may be a suspicion. as the titl