. >> stephen: no one's ever beantown me. it doesn't matter. no oneee ever beantown me. congratulations. >> thank you, sir. >> stephen: i'm humbled. >> you haven't seen the "ted" movie. i talk really fast. i'm good with names and rapid fire. >> stephen: there are a lot of great movies about boston, and you're in all of them. in. >> and the "brink job" was good. >> stephen: when you're in one of the movies about boston and we watch nut movies. we say, "that's a really good boston accent." that makes sense because he's from boston. when the other people talk, too, we go, "wow, they should not be in a scene with mark wahlberg when they're trying that accent. what do you do on set? it's one of the hardest accents to get right. what do you do when you're on set and somebody is completely >> in a movie like this-- in "ted" it's all right. in a movie like this it really relies on its authenticity and accuracy. we would say, "you get one more try, and if not, we will dub you in post." >> stephen: what? >> yeah, or don't do the accent. because it's-- it's-- it's not good when it'