all: beardsmen! what's going on, sharks?is your boy, eric bandholz, with beardbrand... [ chuckles ] ...coming to you today with an opportunity to purchase 15% of our business for $400,000. now, daymond, i don't know what you were doing in 2012, but i, myself, was at a beard competition, and i learned a very important thing. see, back then, beardsmen were thought of as lumberjacks or hippies. and what i noticed was a new type of beardsman, something we coined the urban beardsman. now, these were men who were passionate not only about their facial hair, but also their style, their careers, and their independence. so we united the community and started offering them some really awesome products. beard oil will soften up your beard, help eliminate beard flakes, and... [ sniffs ] whoo-hoo-hoo! it smells fantastic. all you got to do is drop a couple drops in your hand... rub it into the beard... [ laughter ] [ quietly ] no. now, we are in the renaissance of a facial-hair revolution. and beardbrand is leading the charge. we see a h