how cheap allta getsthough, if this market goesacto growtstocks and it will te aiance ta, too, bearefulverthe, the mpany enefng fa hostmaselar owthtrends liksebig data, customized marking hand 's too cheap to nore. this sto may have beened by the recent sellbue storhileot perct, is und gh to be worth investing ins los you remember to beatient aer a 20-point mup and buy ion e way down the rise and fall of alliance data. i like thiries. jete. le >>aller: need somedve, m. you my gu abt palo alto networks it went down 7toy and ughly 20% the lastew i ca mbrer ask-to- r whato do and sai cand no reon ft so my , tee whetr i should hol buy, it, or should i jush? okay, tha for calli yougurui hope i live upto tha there wano doubt t is one of tse kind notes that said palo al't doing g i didn't know thresear firm. wepoke with e ceo when we re isan fransc the coany is doi well t the ma the rk doesn't like rtain hiwth stoc and tha one thatt esn't, either. wherwould you buy it? think you sahe right g, maye have to wait. i think the quarter ll be od, but you knowhat? rit now od quarters aren't enou to move gs