but how would you really know when something is bearproof?k abc's gloria riviera. >> reporter: in west yellowstone, montana the bears are boss. >> oh, man. >> reporter: breaking into these manmade products their singular goal. >> this bear has a nickname. >> buck the destroyer. >> reporter: it's not just play, it's their day job. >> she got in that first little bit and then started tearing apart on the styrofoam. >> reporter: these grizzlies are grizzled vets, testing products to certify as bear resistant before they hit the market. >> reporter: the mama bear and her two cubs were rummaging through a dumpster looking for food. >> reporter: bears getting too close for comfort happens all too often. the lure of an easy meal tempting bears out of the wild and into breaking into houses like this one in colorado. ♪ but here at the curiosity asset. >> he's going for it. >> repzly, about 1,200 pounds p times that of a human.e these b ich regions of theof 700 pounds. u.s. and canada up to 1,700.the business 30 years. he's come from arizona to to th.