and in samoche the pear is the first to leave the enclosure, followed by beatrix.roze in place, so biatrix immediately went to explore the space, quickly found the meat, ate it with appetite, and then began to eat the thick, viscous honey. any change in space for animals is good. we could even put one piece of hay in there, it’s easy. they sounded so enriched with information, some new sensations, tactile, the hay smells, and you can touch it with your whiskers, it means a lot for the animal , in fact, but there was also food, a more timid pear, not yet daring to explore an enriched enclosure, she, following her nimble older friend, descends onto a stump a couple of times, climbs back again, closer to the door of the cage at the top point, the conditions are the same, the enclosure is the same. and the khars behave completely differently. and suddenly, in the next jump, the older female biatrix brings a piece of pear meat. maybe this is exactly what the pear was waiting for? our females , beatrix, have this manner, a little bit, she kind of takes care of a pear, a