. -- seriously, and blocked the beazer 's. —— block the visas. seriously, and blocked the beazer 'e charities did say that immigration officials were turning a blind eye to this issue is over concerns about cultural and religious sensitivities, but the home office has denied that accusation. behaviour amongst rival heart surgeons at a south london hospital has been described as "toxic", "tribal" and could have contributed to an increase in patient deaths. a leaked report into lower than expected survival rates at st george's said that the heart unit was consumed by "a dark force" and strong leadership was needed in the department to turn it around. a spokesperson from the hospital said the surgery service was safe, but that urgent and major improvements were required. confectionery giant mars has removed millions of pounds worth of advertising from youtube after its brands appeared before music videos glamorising violence. a mars spokesperson said the video placement breached their brand safety guidelines and they were now taking action to remove all advertising on youtube. last ye