if there has been no brain damage but only knowledge erased, she could bebe reed. bones? yes. i'll get on it right away. oh, and in spite of the way you repaired scotty, you metal ticking-- does the creator wish nomad to wait elsewhere? yes. nomad, you will go with these units. they will take you to a waiting area. doctor... i interrupted you because nomad would not have understood your anger. it has great technical skill, but its reaction to emotion is unpredictable. it almost qualifies as a life form. [chuckles] that's a laugh. the study of it would be of great use, captain. it's a killer, spock. h your equipment, run a full analysis on the mechanism. i wawa to know what makes that thing tick. what's the problem? an almost human stubbornness, captain. i have been unable to convince nomad i can do nothing. nomad... you will allow mr. spock to probe your memory banks and structure. mr. spock is also one of your biological units, creator? yes. this unit is different. it is well-ordered. follow your instructions, nomad. thank you. you may proceed. "see the dog." that's right. "s