. >> dwyane wade scored 18 points on bebron. lebron finished with 23.little rest before the next series. >> let's go to hockey. chicago has one team left, right? the blackhawks got four goals, including two in the third period. they trounced the red wings. now the bruins, this bruins-rangers series is going to be awesome. game one is tonight. >> that should be a lot to look forward to. >> how much money would you return if you had a lot of money, like, if you found it? $4.5 million maybe? >> would i return it? i mean if i owed it to somebody. >> one person did. okay. this is san francisco giants pitcher jeremy efeld. he actually returned $500,000. in his book he said he agreed to a $4 million contract. similar to brian's. but after he signed the deal, he realized there was a typo making it worth $4.5 million. the pitcher wound up signing a new three-year deal for $18 million last winter. >> that is the right thing to do. i would do that. mine is a 50-year contract and -- >> barnicle already signed three of those. >> he is just riding the coattails. >> t