stephen: i'll tellou what he's not up for is secretarof state, becaetoday, donal trump chose rex tillerson, exexonmob.e.o. assume from nown, all gas stations are official u.s. embassies, which is perfect for any fugees who are asylum and maybe a slim jim. pick.rson an terestg for one thing, he's an oil man who beeves in clate change.v? well, course he believes i he's fm exxon. they invented it ( laughter ) ( applause ) pre ofownehip. it'sis baby! "it's my baby!" now, some people a ccerned with vladimir putin.ose ties anthey are buddies. here he is laughing at one of jokes.s classic knock-knock "orange u glad i dn't poison your family?" ( lauger ) "youill lah now and while tierson admitse and putin "a ve close relationip," he's also said, "i don't agree with everything he's doing." yeah, ll have that one friend who sometimesrinks too mu or dates thwrong person, or aexes crimea.what y gonna do? ( laught of crse, this means that the secretary of state won't be ing to mitt ey, though mney was a lshot from the beginning. afr all,n mahe said this: >>onald trump is a phonya fraud. his promesres w