and the masrmindsf that, becaushe budget, the economic extremists of the institute of economic affairs, those whose distrous ideas crushed the economy and left the country to pick up the pieces. will the prime minister block that or will he buckle to her as wel >> if you want disastrous economic ideas, look at the economic policy on the industry, it is an energy policy that seeks to ban all new british oil and gas drilling, 200,000 jobs and our energy security at a time of international conflict. vladimir putin is the only one who would welcome such a policy. his predecessor once said he wanted british jobs for bridge workers, his policy is british jobs for russian workers. >> you spend much time focused on the economy and the asylum system. with his predecessor about who gets honors, the country would be in a far better state, but once again he's lost control, once again it isorking people paying the price. if he disagrees with that, why not put it to the test, the boasting and excuses to tory chaos, see if he can finally find someby, anybody anywhere to vote for him and call a genera